Blueberry Sour Cream Pie

April 21, 2019 (Easter)

For the second pie of Easter Sunday, Matt decided to pull out the blueberry sour cream pie he’s been talking about for a while. Kate’s Easter pie was chocolatey, so we needed a fruity pie. It was a lot easier than last week’s cannoli pie. Blueberries, sour cream, an egg, some flour and sugar, and a crumble topping (which got doubled, and thank goodness – it still was almost not enough). Unfortunately, when he took it out of the oven and placed it on our stove range to cool, someone who shall remain nameless had forgotten to turn the range off. So there’s a big black circle on the bottom of the pie now. Only half of the pie was edible.

But the story of this pie is that despite the fact that we had an Easter dinner with 13 people, and despite the fact that the Easter Pie’s rice krispie crust was a bit tough, and despite the fact that everyone knows blueberries are one of the most underrated fruits out there, and despite the fact that Annie believes that sour cream is one of the major food groups, exactly TWO people even attempted to put a bite of this pie in their mouth. And Leah the Blueberry Lover, though she said she liked it, didn’t finish her piece. Matt has never been more disappointed in his family.

This pie was fantastic. Creamy, crunchy, flavorful, and just about perfect. It was better than the cannoli pie. It was better than the unicorn pie. It was definitely better than the Easter pie, even with its excellent chocolate pudding. It might not have been better than the apple pie, but that’s nigh impossible, and it was really close. Seriously, this pie was definitely in the top three if not the top two of all the pies we’ve made this year (still thinking about Kate’s chocolate fudge pie…). AND MATT IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD THE GOOD SENSE TO EAT IT.

Their loss.

Unicorn Pie

March 10, 2019

It’s not clear where Kate got the idea for unicorn pie. We might have suggested it to her. We found a recipe online, featuring a graham cracker-sprinkle crust and a white chocolate ganache-cream cheese filling, and Kate had to try it. There was a lot of anticipation for this one. Shelly and Kate made the crust the day before. Matt secretly made a marshmallow fondant unicorn horn for the middle of the pie, which was whipped out right before serving.

The unicorn pie was the best looking pie we’ve made yet this year, and honestly, it was one of the most universally enjoyed from a taste perspective. The filling was chocolatey and tangy but light, just how you would expect in a unicorn pie. Kate hits a home run again.

Apple Pie

February 17, 2019

Ellie knows that the best pie out there is apple pie. And fortunately, we have stumbled upon the best apple pie recipe out there. Our friend Tami brought a pie to a party once, and Matt looked at Shelly after one bite and said, “Who made this pie? We can never have another apple pie again.” It was THAT good. The best part about apple pie, which Matt and Ellie made sure to take advantage of? Pie for breakfast the next day.

This was the one from Thanksgiving, but they’re always this beautiful.

Chocolate Fudge Pie

January 27, 2019

Kate was up this week. In preparation for this week, Shelly started asking Kate what kind of pie she wanted to make. She kept saying chocolate, but Shelly kept pestering her to specify what kind of chocolate pie she wanted. She finally announced that she wanted to make a “chocolate fudge pie.” Shelly said “I don’t have a recipe for chocolate fudge pie.” Kate rolled her eyes and said, “Look on your phone, Mom.” So Shelly googled those exact words on her phone and showed Kate all of the pictures of chocolate fudge pies that came up in the search. Kate picked her favorite looking one and that’s the one we made.

This pie is easily the best new pie we’ve had so far (writing this in March). Everyone loved it. It tastes like a lava cake in pie form – super rich, moist and very yummy. We served it warm with vanilla bean ice cream. Perfection!

Notes: We didn’t have enough shortening to make our regular pie crust, so we used this butter-based pie crust instead. It was really yummy.

Chocolate gooey deliciousness. Unicorn horn is just an added bonus.